Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Aubrey!

Four years ago today my life changed forever.  I became a mommy!  Aubrey is an amazing girl, so much like her mommy and daddy it kills me sometimes.  She wears her heart on her sleeve, just like me.  She is not afraid of much, always willing to jump off something or try new things, just like her daddy.  She loves hard, takes care of others and can be so thoughtful that I am blown away by the gestures.  She learns fast like James and is moody just like him too.  And this girl has some serious dance moves....she does not get that from me :-)  She really is the best of both of us!

Four years ago I felt a love that was so strong, so deep, so unconditional and I never imagined I could love someone so much.  Happy 4th Birthday Aubrey!  You bring so much love and joy into our lives and we are blessed beyond words.

1 comment:

DanaMK said...

Awww, what a sweetie! Happy Belated Birthday to Aubrey too!